Thursday, June 11, 2009

Godly Mothers - A Precious and Rare Gift

By Vivian Gordon 

I have had the great privilege of having a mother for 51 years 
and being one for 28 years. The older I get, the more I 
appreciate the most wonderful gift that God could have ever 
given me, my own mom. I see myself in her in many ways 
and in other ways, I'm nothing like her. I have made many 
mistakes in my life, ones that my mother would never have 
made, but she respected me as an individual and never 
tried to interfere. She knew she gave me a firm foundation 
on which to come back into. I can't say she wasn't heart 
broken at times for some of my decisions. But, she had faith 
in God and His promises. And this is what makes a godly 

She took me to church on Sundays and she made sure I 
had a proper upbringing. She taught me how to be secure in 
who I was, and made me aware of my own moral beliefs. I 
was fortunate to have a godly mother who introduced me to 
a loving God by showing me that same love, unconditionally. 
She passed down these attributes to me and by the time I 
had my children, they were also aware of the love I had for 
them, no matter what they may have done.

In looking back on my life, I have to admit that I turned from 
the right path and chose my own course for awhile, and God 
wasn't a very big part of it. It's a typical human reaction to 
retreat and hide from God when you know you're behaving 
badly. Once these circumstances catch up with you, God 
then becomes the main focus again and this is where He 
takes us into the woodshed and teaches us the lessons we 
thought we could do without! It goes to show that you can 
never hide from God, He'll find you every time and He will 
correct you.

"Train up a child in the way he should go (and in keeping 
with his individual gift or bent), and when he is old he will 
not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6 (Amplified)

When we are raised in God's Word, or have raised our own 
children that way, we must trust that everything will turn out 
for the good even when it seems like all is lost. It's not a 
matter of "If" but rather "When" things will turn around. Just 
like my own mother, she never lost hope that I would come 
back to Christ. I thank her for her prayers.

Once God's Word has entered into your life, you will never 
depart from it. Thank God He knows the disobedience of 
children and the rebellious condition of their hearts. He is 
always ready and waiting to forgive. And God gave mothers 
this unconditional love also.

There are several mothers mentioned in the Bible that set 
examples for us today. A godly mother is a rare commodity 
in today's society and she is more precious than gold. What 
makes a mother like this so special in God's eyes? Let's 
look at a few examples.

First there was Hannah. God had left her barren and as any 
normal woman, she had strong maternal instincts. She was 
one of two wives and her husband Elkanah's other wife, 
Peninnah, had no sympathy for Hannah's childless 
condition. Hannah laid her burden before God in prayer and 
promised Him that if He would allow her to conceive, she 
would give him back in lifetime service.

That's exactly what happened. God gave her a son called 
Samuel and he was raised by Eli the high priest. Hannah 
was a woman of her word and God blessed her and these 
blessings were handed down to Samuel as well. (Read 1 
Sam. 1).

Another special mother was Eunice. There isn't much said 
about her, but Paul gave her credit when he wrote to her son 
Timothy (2 Tim.) Eunice raised Timothy in God's Word. This 
wasn't particularly easy for her since her husband was a 
Greek and did not believe in Jesus. There are many women 
today who have husbands that are non-believers but are 
raising their children to be godly people, and they are to be 
commended for their service to the Lord.

"But as for you, continue to hold to the things that you have 
learned and of which your are convinced, knowing from 
whom you have learned (them)." 2 Tim. 3:14 (Amplified)

Eunice didn't abandon her hope in raising Timothy to be a 
Christian. Eunice also had a godly mother named Lois who 
had a major part in Timothy's upbringing. They taught young 
Timothy the word of God from the moment he was old 
enough to understand it and for this, it stuck with him in his 
later years. Paul recognized the great importance of these 
two women in Timothy's life. Can you see yourself in any of 
these godly mothers?

As anyone knows, mothers are the major factor in molding 
us into the people we are and that in turn, we pass them 
onto our own children and grandchildren. Mothers have 
many roles in their life, just as God Himself. A mother is 
gentle, loving, fair, patient, encouraging but also must be a 
disciplinarian. A loving mother must always correct her 
child in order to make them a responsible person later on. 
Sometimes it doesn't make us very popular, but when all is 
said and done, we will forever be remembered on our 
special day. What our children may not see as a benefit 
today, will look back and thank us. Children are foolish, but 
since we are the adults, we have the wisdom and need to 
use it!

"Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child, but the rod 
of discipline will drive it far from him." Proverbs 22:15 

The best gift we as moms can give our children is 
discipline. It makes for a strong, secure and responsible 
adult. Face it, the world is a tough place to exist and has no 
patience for fools.

It was never my intention to give my two young sons 
everything they thought they wanted. I made them aware of 
the reality that was waiting for them. I wanted them to realize 
that they would appreciate things better if they had to work 
for them. Today both of them are earning their own way in 
the world and doing a great job of it at that.

It is my goal in life that when I reach the end of my days, I 
can look back not in regret, but rather that I have left a legacy 
of God's Word in my own childrens' lives and they in turn will 
hand this down to their children. That is the true meaning of 
being a godly mother and succeeding in the plan that God 
has laid out for each and every one of us.

When a mother has eyes of faith, she will see God at work 
in everything.

If this article has touched you, won't you please add a 
comment and give God the glory today?
Vivian Gordon writes inspirational and spiritual articles in which to help strengthen the Believer's walk in Christ. They are often taken from today's point of view and used in conjunction with what God says about certain situations and how we are to handle them. There is always an answer for every problem. These articles are not all about asking God "why?" but in finding the answers.

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